Nov 1, 2007

One Easy Way to Cook Steamed Rice without a Ricecooker

I learn that recipe from a cooking demo at The French Culinary Institute by Chef Tadashi Ono, Executive Chef at Matsuri Japanese Restaurant, New York. The Chef was very friendly and I had the chance to talk to a couple of time, during the demo or in his restaurant where my wife and I received a good treat with plenty of extra dishes ! I more recently met him when attending the 2007 Japanese Food Show. I still have to visit him in Matsuri kitchen after he very nicely invited me to do so.

This method of cooking steamed rice is initially with Japanese rice but will do with any other white rice.

Amount of Rice = amount of water

1) Rince rice lightly until water become clear
2) In a pot, add rice & water on high heat with cover until boiling
3) Reduce heat to medium and cook for 10 mn
4) Turn off heat and let it rest for 10 mn (NEVER OPEN THE LID)
5) Mix rice well with a fork. Put lid back and let it rest for another 5 mn

A perfect steamed rice ready to serve in 25 mn without a ricecooker !

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