Following this link will allow you to test your knowledge on kitchen tools and equipments with Multiple Choice, Matching and True or False questions. Have a try!
Another good thing to know when working in a professional kitchen is that electric tools are most of the time called by their brand-name :
We don't said : "go and get the blender" but "go and get the Vita-Prep"
...Robot Coup stands for food processor...
...Kitchen Aid for mixer.

If you've heard of Hobart, this is not the name of the wife of the Chef but a professional mixer to be used for huge amounts. For example, a Kitchen Aid bowl will only allow to contain around 12 egg whites beaten. If more, you will use a Hobart...
Finally for that post, here are the 3 most common mixer attachments you will use (Hobart and Kitchen Aid) : the whisk, the paddle and the hook.
I hope this post will be useful to you to learn a little bit about the jargon (gibberish) of a commercial kitchen...
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