Jun 17, 2008

On The Radio (RTL) : Ca Vaut Le Goût

Every sunday on one of the most popular French radio (http://www.rtl.fr/) is a 5 mn chronicle about Food. The title Ca Vaut Le Goût - it's worth the taste - is a play on words from the usual French expression Ca Vaut le coup... (meaning "It's worth its while"). One seasonal ingredient is chosen and several simple recipes are explained in a very simple way. The chronicle usually ends with a review on a new book or a restaurant. I listen every chronicle since that gives me some good simple ideas for my daily cooking for the family. It is also an easy way to learn new tips and tricks... You can listen and read this weekly chronicle by clicking here. Unfortunately, only in French language !!!
On this blog, I will sum-up and translate the chronicle concerning the recipe given. Enjoy !

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