Apr 26, 2009

A Successful Soufflé ? (1)

Last Saturday, for our traditional weekly "Give It A try Cooking Party" at Steve and Pam’s place, I baked a cheese soufflé… Since I was worried that my Soufflé would fall (because of my lack of recent practice), I looked for a recipe I made once at my work (found from a cookbook whose title was Le Cuisinier de Véronique, Vincent Pasquin) which would prevent the "fallen soufflé catastrophe"… A upside down parmesan soufflé baked ahead (Soufflé renversé au parmesan). I was frenetically browsing my blog but couldn’t find it ! Of course, I had it on paper but not on the web. So here I am correcting my mistake…

Soufflé renversé au Parmesan

Ingredients : (4 soufflés)
  • 50 gr shredded parmesan
  • 20 gr melted butter (for ramequins)
  • 60 gr butter
  • 60 gr flour
  • 0.5 l milk
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 4 egg whites
  • S&P, nutmeg

Procedure :

  • Brush ramequins with melted butter and flour twice (refrigerate between)
  • In a saucepan, melt the butter then add the flour away from heat, whisking (you are making a roux). Cook for 1 mn without coloration
  • Add milk and bring to a boil. Keep stirring. Cook for 2 mn (you are making a Béchamel sauce)
  • Away from heat, add parmesan, egg yolks and seasoning (you are making a Mornay sauce)
  • Fold in the beaten whites (stiff-peak stage) in the mixture by whisking in the 1/3 vigorously and delicately the 2/3
  • Pour in moulds at ¾ height
  • Bake 15 mn in a bain-marie at 200 C (390 F).
  • When baked, let sit a few minutes and then unmold upside down
  • For service, reheat 5mn at 180 C (350 F)

This soufflé recipe is very convenient since you can prepare ahead (and even freeze them). In that case, you might have to reheat a few minutes more

By the way, I did prepare a Soufflé à la minute (well, around 25 mn…) which didn’t fall down eventually!

Here is the recipe (in French) that I chose for its lowest amount of cheese (less than 20 gr per person)

1 comment:

ernesta said...

a very successful recipe when you have people and have to work all day.... I prepare them one day in advance.