Sep 9, 2010

Crazy Devil Viking Salts!!!

During my vacation in Normandy this summer, I discovered an amazing old-style épicerie fine, Maison Gosselin, with thousands of fine products, from home made patés, spices, herbs, soups, rices, coffees, teas, wines, jams and a multitude of variations, mix, ...well an endless list of products. Don't let you fool by its outdated website, you should pay it a visit if you ever visit this lovely little port of St Vaast La Hougue! (also known in France for its tasty salty iodized oysters).
On that occasion, I brought back some mix salts that could nicely accommodate some of the dishes served at the Consulate and who would give a nice twist on the menu.

Sel Fou (crazy salt) : mix of the famous Guérande salt, onion, thyme, garlic, marjoram
Sel du Diable (devil salt) : Guérande salt, paprika, chili, thyme, rosemary, pink pepper, black pepper
Sel Viking (Viking salt) : smoked salt from Norway, curry, onion, black pepper

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