Aug 7, 2009

Another variation around the Egg... L’œuf en Croûte de Parmesan, asperges et morilles

On a previous post on March last year, I wrote about that recipe, Oeuf en neige au coeur fondant (Stiff egg white with volcano yolk), a variation around The Egg...
This time, here is a more complex variation, using the technique of Paner a l'anglaise (flour+egg yolk+bread crumbs) for a very similar texture result used from the kromeski...

L’œuf en Croûte de Parmesan, asperges et morilles - Crusted egg with parmesan, asparagus and morel

This egg dish appetizer is served with a variation of the traditional Sauce Vierge (French, literally "virgin sauce"), chopped asparagus, confit tomatoes, chives, quartered olives, oil and fleur de sel...

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